established on the 13th day of December, 2013
Section I
Name, character, headquarters and the area of activity
Clause 1
The name of the society is: „Polish Society for Biomaterials”, further named „Society”. It acts on the basis of the legislative act dated April 7, 1989: „Law Relative to Society” (Leg. Mon. No 20 pos. 104, with following changes) as well as on the basis of this statute, and it is designated as the non-profit organization.
Clause 2
The Headquarters of the Society is based in the city of Kraków, Poland, and Poland is the territory of its activity, as well as foreign countries, according to local laws. The period of activity of the Society is unlimited.
Clause 3
The Society has legal personality and acts through its bodies according to the law and its statute.
Clause 4
The Society may become a member of national and international organizations of similar character.
Section II
Aims and means of activity
Clause 5
The aim of the Society is the contribution to formation of interdisciplinary partnerships and common realization of projects and initiatives helpful in development of the knowledge relative to materials for medicine, their promotion, and application in both theory and practice.
Clause 6
The Society realizes its aims defined in the statute particularly through:
Section III
Members of the Society, their rights and duties.
Clause 7
1. Persons willing to realize the statutory aims of the Society may become its Regular Members, in particular:
2. All the Founding Members become Regular Members of the Society at the moment of its registration. Requirements described in pts. 3 through 5 do not apply to Founding Members.
3. Any person may become the member of the Society after presenting the recommendations from two members of the PSB.
4. Physical persons and corporations approving the statutory aims of the Society and willing to support the Society in terms of finance and organization, may become Supporting Members of the Society.
5. Physical person and/or a corporation may become a Supporting Member of the Society after presenting the recommendations from two members of the PSB.
6. Foreign nationals who are not residing in Poland, may become the members of the Society based on the same rules.
Clause 8
The person with particular merits to the Society may become the Honorary Member. The Honorary Membership is assigned by the General Assembly of the Members.
Clause 9
1. Members have the rights to:
2. Members are required to:
3. Supporting Members have the same rights and duties as Regular Members, except the use of the right to elect to Society’s Authority bodies.
Clause 10
1. The Board decides about the attribution of membership status, based on written application of the interested party, and after fulfilling the requirements defined at pts. 3 and 5 of Section 7 of this statute.
2. Membership expires after:
Section IV
Organizational Structure and Authorities of the Society
Clause 11
The Authorities of the Society are as follows:
1. General Assembly of Members,
2. Board,
3. Audit Commission,
4. Arbitration Committee.
Authorities are being elected by secret ballot, and the resolutions are voted openly by regular majority. Enforcement of the resolution occurs at presence of at least half of membership of a given body at the first term. In the second term, established within 30 min. after the first term, the presence of 25% of body’s membership enforces the validity of resolution.
Clause 12
The formation of a Scientific Council and Specialized Sections are foreseen within the organizational structure, but they will not constitute the Authorities of the Society.
Clause 13
The General Assembly of Members is the highest Authority of the Society. The following participate in the General Assembly:
Clause 14
The competences of the General Assembly involve:
Clause 15
1. The General Assembly is called by:
- The Board, due to its own initiative, at least once per year,
- based on the written application of at least 1/5 of all members,
- based on the motion of the Audit Commission.
2. The meeting of the General Assembly should take place not later than within one month from the date of call.
3. The Board informs Members in writing about the date, place and the agenda of General Assembly, at least 14 days before the actual meeting.
Clause 16
The Board is made of five to eleven Members, including the President. They are established by the General Assembly for the three years term. In the case of decrease of the number of the members of the Board during their term to 3, the General Assembly calls for complementary election. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal elected during the General Assembly is a voting member of the Board.
Clause 17
The competences of the Board include all matters not reserved for General Assembly of the Members and the Audit Commission, in particular:
Clause 18
1. The meetings of the Board are called as necessary, but at least once per half year.
2. Meetings of the Board are being called by the President.
3. Meeting of the Board should take effect within 14 days from the call by at least 1/5 of the members of the Board.
4. Section Heads may take part in meetings of the Board as advisors.
Clause 19
1. The Audit Commission, named further „Commission” is established in order to:
2. Commission has the right to address the Board with conclusions resulting from controls, requiring clarifications, and in justified cases to address the General Assembly of Members asking to call off the resolution of the Board.
3. Members of the Commission may participate in Board’s meetings with advisory opinions.
Clause 20
1. The Commission is made of three members and one deputy member, established by the General Assembly for three years term.
2. Commission elects president and deputy member.
3. Commission may call outside experts.
Clause 21
1. The Arbitration Committee, named further „Committee”, is called in order to:
Clause 22
1. The Arbitration Committee is made of three Members elected by the General Assembly for three years term, the period of acting of the Board of the Society.
2. The Arbitration Committee elects its president during The General Assembly of Members.
Clause 23
Members of the Society may form Specialized Sections made of Members interested in particular scientific or other program issues.
Clause 24
1. Specialized Sections are being called based on the motion of at least ten Members of the Society during the General Assembly.
2. The Board of the Section is made of three members, and it is being formed during the General Assembly of Members.
Section V
Assets and Funds of the Society
Clause 25
1. The assets of the Society consist of real estates, belongings and funds.
2. The funds consist of:
Section VI
Dissolution and Liquidation of the Society
Clause 26
The Society dissolves itself:
1. On the basis of the resolution of General Assembly of Members,
2. In the cases foreseen by Law relative to Society.
Clause 27
1. The Receivers of the Society are the Members of the Board.
2. The property of the Society will be designated for support of scientific research in the field of biomaterials.