New Members of the ESB-YSF Board

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Patrycja Domalik-Pyzik, member of the Polish Society for Biomaterials, Editor of the "Engineering of Biomaterials" journal, was elected to the Board of the Young Scientist Forum - an organization associating young scientists within the European Society for Biomaterias (ESB), where she will act as the National Chapter Liaison Officer. Her responsibilities will include maintaining contact with the young scientists representing sister societies affiliated with the ESB, as well as supporting and promoting their national activities. Together with the entire YSF-ESB Board, Dr. Patrycja Domalik-Pyzik will also cooperate in the preparation of activities supporting young scientists in the field of biomaterials, mainly during annual conferences of the European Society for Biomaterials. The next ESB2022 conference will be held in Bordeaux on September 4-8, 2022.

The structure of the new ESB-YSF Board elected for a four-year period is as follows:

• Arn Mignon - Spokesperson (reelection)

• Nicola Contessi - Secretary (reelection)

• Patrycja Domalik-Pyzik - National chapter liaison officer

• Anna Puiggali-Jou - Education liaison officer

• Tom Kamperman - Industry liaison officer

• Paula Soares - Communication and dissemination officer

More information on the activities of the Young Scientist Forum and the European Society for Biomaterials can be found at:

We congratulate all young scientists on their election to the YSF-ESB Board and wish them success in their work for the European biomaterials community!